How to Have Fun in Sobriety

If you don't drink what do you do for fun? This is the age-old question. In our society we have bought into the belief that fun was only had if you were drinking, and if you wanted to have some real fun that would require you to be wasted. I say, boo! Booze does not make everything fun all the time. I would be lying if I said drinking didn't bring about some form of joy. Why else would we do it in the first place? The point is it is not required.  

Booze does not always guarantee a good time. Besides the health risks, what booze does guarantee is a hangover, shame, regret, remorse, guilt, and a dash of anxiety for good measure.  This is why we choose to ditch the bottle. But just because we ditch the bottle doesn't mean we want to skip out on the fun stuff. We need the thrill, the excitement, the connection, and the stability that our drunk self was promised at the bottom of that bottle. 

Here are some ways to find joy, fun, and how to keep your sobriety spicy!

1. Take a risk

Taking a risk in sobriety is very different than taking a risk when we were drinking. Most of our choices were unhealthy ones. Taking a risk in sobriety is more like calculated change. This could be going after that job you have always wanted, getting that apartment in the neighborhood you always dreamed of, asking that person at the coffee shop out, You will still get the same rush because these things involved change, yes they are more conservative but we need that change to bring back that spark. Change means you are moving and that can be risky but also very rewarding. 

Action: Take a risk today by striking up a conversation with a stranger. 

2. Define self-care for you

Self-care is one of those trendy phrases that many have little to no idea what it entails. Well, the time is now, it's time for self-discovery of what self-care means to you. Yes, baths with fancy salts and bath bombs are great and relaxing, but I want you to go deeper. How do you practice self-love? Think back to your younger self. When did she need some love and support? How often do you go back to her and ask her what she needs or wants? How can you listen and comfort her? Is it speaking up and setting boundaries for the adult girl now, maybe it's taking time to listen to your gut and intuition? Maybe it's challenging that negative self-talk inside your head? Whatever it is. Tap into your inner child to heal and discover self-love.

Action: Take time to define your self-care by asking your inner child what she needs and wants. 

3. Expand yourself 

Self-discovery and self-awareness are sexy. To really keep your sobriety spicy is to discover and expand on the kick-ass person you are! You gotta know where you are to know where you are going. Taking a looking at yourself, taking responsibility for yourself ad your actions is so freeing and rewarding. It is the first step to building a solid relationship with yourself. It will affect and change your entire outlook on life for the good. Yes it's scary, yes it's hard, but hot damn it's worth it. 

Action: Expand yourself and your world today diving into self-discovery with the Level Up Bundle.

4. Dude, chill.  

No seriously. If you need permission to just do nothing today, this is it! You don't need to hustle or grind or work your ass off till the cows come home all the time. Just stop. Take a nap, get a massage, close your bedroom door, watch tv, do whatever you need to do to just pause. I know what your thinking, if I stop and if I don't keep going everything is going to catch up to me. We are so busy running and that is no way to live. Maybe it will catch up with you and that is how you face whatever you are running from. Breathing works too, it's needed to live, so also keep doing that too. You can't have fun without stopping to ground yourself. 

Action: Chill today. You are doing great! Stop. Pause. Breathe. DO IT NOW. 

5. Be a kid

Playtime starts now! Just like you took time to listen to your inner child in #2, make her dreams come true by playing! Children are always having fun no matter what they are doing. Being creative is a great way to have fun. From coloring, wearing fun clothes, changing your hairstyle or make-up, skipping, singing, dancing the possibilities are endless.  Doing activities like going to petting zoos, parks, riding your bike, playing team sports, eating ice cream, again the possibilities are endless, all you have to do is do them!

Action: Playdate! Do one thing today that makes you feel like a kid. 

6. Find other sober girls 

Keep your sobriety extra spicy by meeting and hanging with like-minded sober girls in your area. It's hard to make friends, never mind sober friends. And take it from me, we all need that sober girl BFF to talk, vent, and get advice to and from. To share our ups and downs with someone who really understands us and someone we feel safe with. That is why I have created secret Facebook groups organized by the top cities and regions to keep you connected. In these groups, you can share, and meet other sober girls in your area. 

Action: Find other sober girls by joining our private groups: 

A Sober Girls Guide (General Group)

A Sober Girls Guide New York

A Sober Girls Guide Los Angeles

A Sober Girls Guide Boston

A Sober Girls Guide Texas

A Sober Girls Guide Canada

A Sober Girls Guide UK

Now you can see how much fun you can have in sobriety. Your life will not be over, far from it! In reality, it is just beginning. See for yourself by taking the 30 Days to Gain Booze-Free Challenge now. For 30 days you will be supported by daily emails of motivation and education. You will have two worksheets to complete daily to keep you accountable. Join now and start living your dreams!




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