Are you an Alcoholic?

How do you know if you drink too much or too often? Do you find yourself asking, am I an alcoholic? Well, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), for healthy adults, drinking more than these single-day or weekly limits is considered "at-risk" or "heavy" drinking:

Men: More than 4 drinks on any day or 14 per week

Women: More than 3 drinks on any day or 7 per week

I don't agree with this. I know plenty of people who drink double these amounts and feel fine about their relationship with alcohol. On the other hand, I know people who have just one glass of wine and a wave of thoughts and emotions come crashing over them. Anxiety, shame, guilt, depression, just to name a few.

The numbers are great. They make people feel comfortable and safe like they have control and order in their lives. However, when it comes to the question of "Am I an alcoholic?" the numbers don't add up. I can recall back to my drinking days and for me, it didn't matter if I had 7 drinks or 1 and a half. The same feelings were still there. I knew the choice I made to drink was wrong for me. I knew alcohol was keeping me small and wasn't aligned with the goals I had for myself. It was keeping me comfortable and complacent. It was so much harder to step outside the norm, go against the grain, not drink, and actually deal with why I was drinking in the first place.

Statistics, smatistics! If you don't feel good, spiritually, morally, physically, or mentally when you drink, maybe it's time to give it a break and change your relationship with alcohol. You don't have to wait for something big or horrible to happen. You have the chance to listen to your mind and body and make a choice. You get to choose your relationship with alcohol.

Chances are if you are reading this then you are curious about your relationship with alcohol. Maybe labels scare you, I get it, I don't love them either. I want you to focus on how you feel. Are you using alcohol as a coping mechanism? Are you bored? are you stuck or stressed the fuck out? How do you feel about your life and does alcohol ultimately add anything positive to it?

START HERE: Making changes can be scary and riddled with fear. Even changes that are good for you. I know this all too well and that is why created tools and programs to help you take back control of your life and ditch the booze once and for all. Don't be just another statistic. Live your life feeling empowered, confident, and energized.

Now is the time to change your relationship with alcohol. Through accountability, coaching, and community you will feel the love and support of like-minded women. Get off the hamster wheel and make the most of your healing journey! Join the Sober Girl Social Club.


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