The #1 Key to Sobriety

If you have listened to the podcast ( A Sober Girls Guide Podcast) you would hear the incredible stories and journeys the incredible guests have experienced. Through their trials and tribulations on their pathway to changing their relationship with alcohol there are many common thoughts and feelings that come up.

As a coach and a podcast host, I interact with a lot of people and hear a lot of stories. From the most tragic and devastating stories from the deep depths of addiction, to what I like to call the “out to sea drinker.” The “out to sea drinker” is best described as follows. You are sailing along the bright beautiful ocean, and you notice your boat getting too close to spiky, rocky shore full of boulders that could cause some serious damage. You have two choices, let the boat run its course, follow the tide and current, hope it will work itself out (it never does) and crash up on shore. If you take this route you have to haul the boat out of the water repair it, and any water damage that has occurred. This damage control can take months, years and even lifetimes to find and then repair. You then have to relaunch the boat, get back on the water, change courses and sail off into the sunset. Seems like a lot of steps, right?! Or option number 2, you can acknowledge that you are close the the edge, do everything you can to change course, even if that means going against a current and fighting the waves, in order to break away from the rocky shore. You take action and you keep going, you go through the tough stuff and you continue on sailing into the sunset.

As you can see both solutions require action. You have a choice. Do you want to go through a bunch more steps to sail off into the sunset or do you want to acknowledge the reality of your situation and make some changes?

Even though we all have different scenarios and different pathways that make up our journey, the thoughts and feelings are pretty much that same to why we drink, why we don’t drink and how we overcame everything in between.

The number one key to sobriety for 95% of my podcast guests and coaching clients is to have a solid 30 day foundation. Taking a break from booze for 30 days puts EVERYTHING into perspective. Take Action. Don’t wait till you crash your boat on shore. Give yourself the gift of a solid foundation to life, take the 30 Days to Gain Booze Free Challenge and see what you have to gain.


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